Bio Partnering

About Bio-Partnering

The Partnering system being used for powering the partnering at Global Bio-India 2021 is Inova One-on-One PartneringTM, the top choice for several large format International Pharma, Biopharma events and for International companies.  It uses state-of-the art processes to enable a smooth partnering experience.
In order to facilitate the partnering process, we have some suggestions. Kindly consider them for maximizing your partnering experience.

Registration for Bio-Partnering

Each participant who has registered for Bio-partnering will be provided a partnering account after they fill the GBI registration form under the Bio-partnering only category. The term "organization" covers all types of companies, institutions, departments, individuals etc. While registering for the Global Bio-India event, registrants will be requested to accept the Terms & conditions at and the event Privacy policy that assures Data Protection.

Login to Partnering & Publish your company profile

The Bio-partnering process involves several easy-to-use steps that include.

  • Updating your personal and company profiles and pressing the Publish button to make your company profile visible to others. Add logo, information, assets, etc.
  • Marking your availability. There are slots of 30 minutes available on all five days for each person. The availability can be set 24/24 from 0:00 IST on March 1 to 24:00 IST on March
  • However, 1 hour duration meetings can also be requested. Please indicate 1 hour option under meeting duration.
  • Searching for companies to meet with
  • Sending and accepting meeting requests
  • Optimize the number of accepted meetings by sending as many requests as possible

For successful partnering, Send Invites and accept requests as soon as you publish your profile

  • Get your meetings scheduled in the first round by marking your availability early
  • Maximize your number of meetings by sending meeting requests as soon as possible
  • Catch the eye of potential partners with snappy subject lines
  • Make your company easy to find by filling out your company profile, including fields such as therapeutic areas of interest, financing, country, size, company type, assets, products and services

Partnering Meetings

  • The meetings will be scheduled automatically and a virtual room link shared with both parties for each meeting in your platform agenda as well as in your outlook agenda (.ics)
  • The time slot will be clearly communicated to each meeting participant over email
  • Entry to the meeting will be restricted to only two designated individuals each from the Organizations for meetings fixed for that time slot.
  • Since meeting slots will fill up fast, we recommend all partnering organizations to send out their requests to others as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.
  • Please note that you may share the virtual meeting link with your team members who would like to join in the fixed meetings. The invited team members need not be registered for Bio-partnering


    Bio Partnering Categories
    Large Industry INR 10,000
    USD 150
    Upto 4 accounts only
    MSME, Bio Incubators, Institutes, Investors INR 5000
    USD 75
    Upto 2 accounts only
    Startup, Research Scientist, Entrepreneur INR 1000
    USD 25
    Upto 1 account only
    + Taxes as applicable


    We look forward to all participants having a fruitful partnering experience at Global Bio-India Please contact Anil Chauhan Mobile: +91-9871632688 or Indrilla Sengupta Mobile: +91 7205149231 for any clarifications.